
Showing posts from May, 2022

Computer Science News Sciencedaily

As you progress through this tutorial, you'll see that different types of computers also often use different types of software. A special-purpose computer is embedded in almost all electronic devices and is the most widely-used computer. This computer is designed for a specific task and is found in ATMs, cars, microwaves, TVs, the VCR, and other home electronics. See our special-purpose computer page for further information and examples. What Is The Most Powerful Computer In The World? The MOS 6502 was introduced at a conference in San Francisco at a cost of $25, far less than comparable processors from Intel and Motorola, leading some attendees to believe that the company was perpetrating a hoax . The chip quickly became popular with designers of early personal computers like the Apple II and Commodore PET, as well as game consoles like the Nintendo Entertainment System. The 6502 and its progeny are still used today, usually in embedded applications. The Control Data Corporati